Today Diet Trand

There is so many diet trends these days with it is benefits and health claims. But not everyone is compaitable with this diet trends. There is so many factor influence the diet choice like gender, lifestyle choices, age and many other factors. A diet trend that has worked for someone else may not necessarily provide the same result for you. many research conducted fot the trend of diet and concluded some diet that have beneficial effect on your body  like  Mediterranean Diets, Dash diet, Flextarian diet and the standard from Indonesia health Ministry is Balance Nutrition Diet.

Mediterranean Diets

    The mediterranean diets that emphasized about anti-oxidance and anti-aging. It diet contain with a lot fruits and vegetable, packed with omega-3 rich food like egg and fish. Its also include with high amount of olive oil. The benefits of Mediterranean are lowering the cardovascular incident in people, had reducing the risk of cancer and lowering the risk of mortality. it also had effect on  Cognitive function that helps the brain. The research tell us that the people of Cretan ( a island in Greece) and who participate in the research  had lower risk of Metabolic incident because of this diet (Sikalidies et al.,2021). The bad thing about this diet is the cost of the food is relatively high and not eassy to find,  especially in Indonessia (Gerber&Hoffiman,2015).

Dash Diet

    Its the abbreviation of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It a dietary pattern promoted by National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute from United State that emphasize to reducing your blood preassure. The diet had hight potassium, calculum and magnesium conten and it limits foot that are high in sodium, saturated fat addes sugar. It also had a plenty of fruit,legumes, vegetables, fish and low-fat food and diary product. The diet proven to restore the hypertension with healthy lifestyle and it also can maintain your weight ( Padma,2014;Luthfiana et al.,2019).

Flextarian Diet

    A Semi-Vegetarian style of eating encourages eating less meat and more plant-based. It differs from vegetarian or vegan diet that eliminate the animal protein and dairy product with the long-term effectof iron deficiency anaemia and reducing blood ability to clot properly. The Flextarian diet proven can manage your body weight and metabolic syndrome but still can have a good quality meal that your ned for food (derbyshire,2017;Molnar & Pal,2022).

Balance Nutrition Diet

Its an eating style that encourage eating all kind of food in Balance. It is the eating standard from Indonesian Health Ministry. The balance is 25% of carbs,25% of protein and 50% Of vegetables and Friut in one day (Kemenekes RI,2014). It comes with 10 nitrition message that can be good for your health like eat many types  of food, higher consumpation of fruits and vegetables, eat better quality protein, eat variety of carbohydrate,Reduce the sweets, salt and fat, Breakfast before activity, more drinking water, look the nutrition label, hygiene before eating and more physical activity (Kemenkes RI,2014).


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